I thought everyone was going to be pretentious...
“I was so worried everyone would be pretentious…” confessed one new member here at LTA Studios.
We understand. For many, the only exposure you’ve had to a dance studio is either as young child, or through the eyes of the latest scandal mongering Netflix show.
Thankfully, we’re nothing like those TV shows, times have changed (so has the fashion) and you’ll find LTA Studios a far friendlier place than you might have been expecting.
Worry #1 – You have to be good at dancing to take a dance class.
Not at all!
Like all things in life you don't have to be good to start, but you have to start to be good!
This is one we hear a lot with all of our adult classes. Honestly, we don’t care if you can’t kick your leg past 90 or if you have two left feet. If you want to learn then we can’t wait to teach you.
If you want to dance! Dance!
Don't let the boring people of the world tell you it's too late to put on a pair of Ballet shoes or have a good shimmy to some sweet 80’s beats!!
Worry #2 – Everyone will be skinny & graceful.
Yeah Nah!
You know what it takes to have a dancer’s body? To have a body and dance!!
Whether you are 2 meters tall with legs up to your ears or 4ft 2 and clumsy as anything, nothing should stop you from doing something that feels good.
Our dance & movement classes are for EVERYONE.
Everyone we teach has their own limitations and goals and at any one time one will be aiming to be able to feel more mobile in their lower back and hips and the other reliving their dancing dreams feeling like a ballerina and nailing a double pirouette.
You do you.
Worry #3 – The classes will be strict, serious & silent.
We work hard, but we also spend as much time laughing as we do practising our turns & technique. We take the work seriously, but definitely not ourselves.
If you walk into one of our classes, the odds are you’ve overcome Worries 1 and 2 but are probably feeling a little apprehensive, nervous and out of your comfort zone.
You are also probably there because you want to do something you enjoy! So we laugh, smile and although you'll learn all the steps and technique we will do it with fun and friendliness.
Dance should not boring or dull! The moment that music blasts out you will be transported into a world of pure happiness.
If you’re still unsure, about what to expect, feel free to email us & we’ll make a time to call you & talk you through the options.