stay motivated and moving over winter

Spring and summer practically beg you to work out. Autumn and winter, not so much. The colder, darker days make working out just a little more work.

It’s important to keep active, even as the temperatures dip. In the colder months our bodies turn to conservation mode. We also don’t get as much vitamin D and we often feel run down. To keep your metabolism revving and energy levels high, you need to keep your activity levels consistent. Plus, exercise releases endorphins — nature’s feel-good chemicals — which can help boost your mood no matter how dark the days seem. 

To make sure the cold weather won’t freeze out your exercise plan, here are some tips to help keep you going all season long.

1. Book your class in advance It’s much harder to skip a class when you’ve already committed to it

2. Set everything out the night before. Pull your workout clothes out of the drawers, get your water bottle ready at the front door

3. Invest in a class you love. The best class you can do is the one you’re going to enjoy. If you’re a cardio fanatic, you should probably do Aerobics. If you enjoy strength training, try out a Ballet class. If you like to do core work, make sure take a Barre or Yoga class.

4. Try something new. If you’re used to running a few kilometers a day and expect to get the same results from a Tap workout, you may be disappointed. Instead, focus on something that address a weakness. For example, if you’re a runner with flexibility issues, try more Yoga classes during the winter. If you’ve had a recent injury, focus on strength.

5. Bring a buddy. We know that having a commitment with a friend can spur you on when you need it most


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