The Effect of Physical Activity on Sleep Quality

Regular physical activity has several health benefits, including improved sleep quality

Sleep promotes memory consolidation and learning while allowing the body to recover and restore itself. One strategy to enhance sleep quality and lower the risk of sleep disorders is through physical activity, which has a reciprocal relationship with sleep quality

Physical activity can help you sleep better in a variety of ways.

#1 It increases the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. As a result, physical activity can assist in falling asleep faster and sleeping better.

#2 Physical activity reduces stress, which is a typical impediment to falling and staying asleep.

#3 Physical activity improves mood, leading to increased enthusiasm for physical exercise and a positive feedback loop. Active people had higher levels of positive affect and tranquility during exercise and lower levels of negative affect and tiredness.

#4 Physical activity helps to regulate body temperature, which is necessary for falling asleep, as an increase in body temperature during physical activity aids the eventual drop 30-90 minutes post-exercises, facilitating easier sleepiness.

Adults who exercise for at least 30 minutes a day sleep an average of 15 minutes longer than those who do not exercise. Moreover, studies have found that moderate-intensity exercise can improve sleep quality in insomnia patients. In addition, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise improves sleep among patients with insomnia.


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